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• Marigold

Our Marigold product is Marigold Flower (calelendula offinanalis) in a bees wax base. It is an ideal natural alternative and a favorite for not only fresh open wounds and cuts, but also rashes, bee stings, sores, burns... even chapped, cracked hands and lips! Many even use in the eyes as as protectant and to sooth irritation.

Available in two sizes, the jar is great for the office or house and the 12-gram tubes makes it even easier to never leave home without it!

It is great first aid support for any cut or wound. It actually protects from dirt and debris and immediately starts the healing process rather than damage the skin cells like water, iodine type products, antibiotics or other harsh chemicals. Literally filling the wound with Marigold ointment can "flush" out the debris and protect until sutures can be applied.

Veterinarians are amazed at the support it offers. You will be too!!

Because it is prepared in accordance with the Homeopathic Pharmacopedia of the United States (HPUS), this product will not interfere with other homeopathic remedies and is generally considered safe for people and horses, too.

"Once you try it you will never use any thing else!"
Dr. Dan Moore signature

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