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RED CAL "Grow" Formula 4 Lb.
Red Cal Grow Bag

RED CAL "Grow" Formula 4 Lb.

Your Price:$63.99
Stock Number:462

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Easy To Provide: Top Dress or Free-Choice! Nature's Salt, Minerals, Electrolytes and More (To Grow)... "Mother Nature's" finest gift to man, Red Cal offers pristine sea salt, herbs, clacium, magnesium and other minerals plus perhaps even other micronutrients not yet discovered, And since it comes from a desert that millions of years ago used to be the ocean, the micronutrients are naturally "chelated". Vitamin-Mineral & Probiotic Supplement PLUS: Loaded with all the ingredients to grow beautiful hooves, manes & tails and fleece and fiber too! (Biotin, Lysine and Methionine (Amino Acids) 4 LBS. Supplies 8 animals for 30 days at 1/4 oz. per day. 22.5 LBS. supplies 8 animals for 180 days at 1/4 oz. per day.

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