If you're not feeding that exact amount, your horse is either getting too little, or too much of all the vitamins, minerals and enzymes that were added to that feed. I'm sure that makes sense.
Just think about it for just a second. Why would it not be better to take something that's more natural, like just oats, and then supplement those oats with the vitamins and minerals and enzymes and good fat?
That way, you know. If you have an easy keeper, you can give them just a little bit of oats, but he's still getting the right vitamins, minerals and enzymes because you put it on top of those oats every day.
Or if you have a horse that needs to eat a lot then he can eat a lot of oats for his metabolism, but you put the vitamins, minerals and enzymes and so on, on those oats so that he gets what he needs every day.
It's a simple thing; a little more difficult perhaps than just reaching in the feed bag and getting a scoop of food. But this way you know exactly what your horse is getting.
Consider those pellets and pelleted feed today...it blows my mind!
Think about it. Pellets are cooked, what goes into a pellet to make it as far as the ingredients is not what comes out the other end. A lot of the nutrition is gone.
Also consider the textured commercial feed. I challenge you to do this, just get a piece of white paper and put a little bit of that food on that white piece of paper and start separating the pieces parts out. You'll be amazed at what's in there. Many times you can't even recognize the ingredients!
Oats are oats. They are consistent from bag to bag to bag for the most part, and it's the most natural thing there is as far as I'm concerned as far as health for horses. It's a seed head. Something they might even get in the wild for instance (seed heads obviously).
Have you noticed today how many fat, overweight, crusty neck, metabolic issues we have in our horses today?
Look at our human population. Do we have obese, overweight people today? Absolutely. So could there possibly be a common denominator there between horse diets and people diets.
Now, of course, horses get their feed out of a bag, but we get our feed out of a box for the most part or rather a fast food place. That's kind of what bag is... it's kind of like fast food for horses.
There's a better way for all of us to eat. But our horses today are really suffering.
There's way more health problems today than there were in years past. And I think I found the common denominator to those health problems. And you already know that if you think about it, that common denominator is our hydrogenated fats that we're putting in our food and we're putting in our horse food today.
The horse industry as a whole has kind of overlooked the issue because quite frankly, they don't have any options. It’s the only type of fat that they can put in the feed that will allow them to put the feed bag in a truck, haul it across the country, and store it in a feed room for weeks at a time without it going rancid.
So they don't have many choices, but you have choices as the horse owner and as a person in your diet to not feed your horse or yourself these hydrogenated fats.
And it's important that we really seriously look at this issue if you want good health for your horse or for yourself. So what's the option here? What do you do to feed yourself and feed your horse?
First, don't eat out of a box and don't feed your horse out of a bag.
What I suggest you feed your horse is oats. I do prefer whole while rolled or crimped are fine whether it's sourced from us or readily available locally at feed & farm stores.
When asked "how much?
I begin by emphasizing that the amount of oats to feed is totally based on individual needs. Some horses a lot some a little... just depends on the horse. For example, our own stallions only get about a cup and a half, twice daily. Often times it's best to start with roughly same volume of feed you were giving them and doing so over the first few weeks and then provide more or less depending on how all looks weight -wise, how they feel, if satisfied etc...which usually ends up being way less than what was being fed before.
When asked "how much?
I begin by emphasizing that the amount of oats to feed is totally based on individual needs. Some horses a lot some a little... just depends on the horse. For example, our own stallions only get about a cup and a half, twice daily. Often times it's best to start with roughly same volume of feed you were giving them and doing so over the first few weeks and then provide more or less depending on how all looks weight -wise, how they feel, if satisfied etc...which usually ends up being way less than what was being fed before.
For the optimum health and performance of your horse, I hope you'll consider what's in the bag and certainly what's not in the bag as well. We have some answers. We have some answers that are working for horses around the country... thousands of horses.
We can lay some myths to rest about oats.
Oats are the original low starch diet. For instance, less starch we have in oats then corn, barley any other grain and quite honestly most true horseman, feed oats. An awesome, awesome ingredient but they have to be supplemented just like any grain today has to be supplemented. I don't care what it is. Our soils are so deficient, you have to make sure you're getting the right supplements for that grain whatever it is.
Feel free to call and learn more from our website or to email me.
I have a web address that's just about feeding and it's really easy to remember and to share...it's simple WhatToFeedYourHorse.com and you'll find a lot of answers there.